SunDrew adds Suav Blanc to house menu, fans whine

Suav Blanc added to lineup, but early set time leaves sour taste with fans

BERMUDA DUNES — SunDrew organizer Yassie Soltani confirmed at an unnecessary Wednesday evening press conference that DJ Suav Blanc has been added to the festival’s lineup.

After clinking her glass several times, Soltani made the announcement from the front steps of the Bordeaux - one of two houses she secured on her personal credit card to host the festival.

“We’re honored to have Suav Blanc in the lineup,” said Soltani. “Like all DJ’s, Suav has gotten better with age. Any true enthusiast knows that Suav performs best in cool dark spaces with low humidity, but he made an exception for us and agreed to spin in Bermuda Dunes.”

Danny Franks, aka Suav Blanc, was in attendance at the press conference but understandably made a quick exit after sharing a brief conversation with Soltani.

“He mentioned he was headed to a restaurant to meet Tesser and I offered to call him an Uber, but he said his go to around dinner time was a cab.”

Picture of Suav Blanc aka Danny Franks behind a plant

Screenshot taken from IG page without permission

Fans of Suav expressed outrage on SunDrew’s Instagram page, leaving hundreds of comments after learning that Soltani put him in the 2pm slot on Saturday.

“You don’t put a top shelf DJ in an early afternoon slot,” said one upset fan, apparently under the belief that writing a one-line comment after 1000 people have already said basically the same thing is actually a good use of one’s time.

Several fans were so upset by the news that they confronted Soltani outside of her Costa Mesa apartment, demanding an explanation.

“I would describe my conversation with the fans as initially complex with a bitter undertone. I also detected a subtle hint of coffee and chocolate on their breath. Eventually things felt smooth and balanced, and we agreed that heading into SunDrew on anything other than a sweet and bright note would be unpalatable.”

When asked by the single reporter covering the story whether she would consider moving Suav to a later time, Soltani tabled the question.

“This Suav issue was just opened , I’m anxious to finish it but I know it’s better to let it breathe.”


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