Mammoth Mistake: Leaked crowd surfing video leaves Soltani on thin ice with ticket holders

SunDrew organizer faces avalanche of criticism after questionable weekend ski trip

MAMMOTH LAKES — SunDrew ticket holders voiced their concern on Tuesday evening after a controversial video of the festival’s organizer, Yassie Soltani, surfaced on Instagram.

According to multiple sources, Soltani decided to take an extended ski trip to Mammoth Mountain to escape the flurry of criticism surrounding her management of the mildly anticipated festival, set to take place in just two weeks.

The trip reportedly included four days of snowboarding with friends, one morning patiently teaching her aging DJ boyfriend Tesser how to snowboard, and one evening attending a well-known apre ski party hosted at the Canyon Lodge Sundeck.

The video appears to show Soltani crowdsurfing at the event, waving her hands in the air like she just didn’t care.

Shortly after the video posted, ticket holders began questioning why Soltani was snowboarding instead of preparing for the festival.

“With all of the slips ups, flaky behavior, and meltdowns this event has had, I was very surprised to hear she went on this trip,” said Ashley Roberts, Soltani’s long-time friend, medium-time roommate and, after this weekend’s events, potentially short-time ticket holder.

“This news leaves me in a bind. I thought SunDrew had a chance to be an epic festival, maybe even the icon of house music events, but now I might pass,” said Parker Roberts, ticket holder and also a former roommate of Soltani’s.

Former Soltani roommates Ashley and Parker Roberts, wearing sunglasses on a boat.

Photo obtained from Instagram without permission.

“I thought she’d be taking this significant accumulation of criticism more seriously.” said Libby Daze, Soltani’s business partner and current roommate.

Current roommate Libby Daze with Soltani, each with one arm in the air.

Photo obtained from Instagram without permission.

“There’s no doubt this will have a chilling effect on our relationship,” said Sina Soltani, the organizer’s long-time brother and another former roommate.

“Why is everyone concerned about SunDrew?” questioned Taylor Smith, Soltani’s sister in law and also a former roommate. “The real story here is why she’s had so many roommates the last few years.”

Former Soltani roommates Sina Soltani and Taylor Smith in front of a tree.

Photo obtained from Instagram without permission.

Appearing via livestream from her posh trailer parked at SunDrew, incredibly talented DJ and famous cat mom HANZ was quick to weigh in.

“Why is she teaching Tesser how to snowboard?,” said HANZ. “What she should be doing is teaching him how to DJ.”

Artist’s rendition of HANZ upon hearing the news Tuesday evening.

When pressed for comment by the only reporter whose editor found the story newsworthy, Soltani responded with a promise to all ticket holders.

“These concerns are on my radar and I’m committed to doing a better job of forecasting potential issues. It’s already partly working with a good chance I’ll get better at it,” said Soltani.

“I know the lead up to SunDrew has been goofy, but I promise things will be regular from now on.”


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